Eye irritation: causes and remedies

What to Do About Eye Irritation Eye irritation is a common complaint, particularly during allergy season. Itchy, watery, burning eyes aren’t just uncomfortable but can make reading, using your laptop, or even driving unpleasant or difficult. Common Causes of Eye Irritation It’s difficult to find a solution to a problem if you don’t understand the…

Treating eye cancer

Eye Cancer Treatment Options Cancer can affect any part of the body, including the eyes. The disease can start in the eyes or may spread from other parts of the body. Treatment for this kind of cancer is focused on killing the cancer cells while preserving as much of your vision as possible. Types of…

Ocular migraine symptoms and causes

What Are Ocular Migraines? If you’ve ever experienced your own private light show, complete with flashing lights and colorful zigzags, you may have had an ocular migraine. Although these symptoms seem alarming, they usually go away quickly without damaging your vision. Common Ocular Migraine Symptoms Whether you call them ocular migraines, ophthalmic migraines, or migraines…

Symptoms of retinal detachment

The Most Common Signs of Retinal Detachment Do you know the symptoms that may occur when your retina has become detached? Recognizing common retinal detachment symptoms can help you protect your vision and reduce your risk of permanent changes to your vision. What Is Retinal Detachment? A retinal detachment occurs when part of your retina…

How to treat dry eye

Treatments for Dry Eye You’re more likely to suffer from dry eye if you don’t make enough tears or the tears you make are low quality. Although the condition can be very uncomfortable, home remedies and treatments provided by your ophthalmologist can ease your discomfort. What Causes Dry Eye? Most of us have experienced dry…