Cytomegalovirus (cmv) retinitis

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is a serious disease causing compromised vision and ultimately a total loss of vision. CMV retinitis is typically associated with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In the early days of the AIDS epidemic, nearly one-quarter of all individuals diagnosed with late-stage AIDS also developed CMV retinitis. Thanks to aggressive treatments and a new,…

Retinitis pigmentosa

The term retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a set of degenerative genetic diseases that gradually kill off the light-sensing cells (rods and cones) of the retina, eventually causing blindness. It is a relatively rare genetic disorder, affecting only 1 in 4,000 people. Retinitis pigmentosa can be difficult to adapt to without proper support. Although there…

Macular dystrophy

You may have heard of macular degeneration, an age-related condition in which people suffer permanent vision loss due to damage in a part of the retina called macula. But you may not be so familiar with a similar macular condition that also causes vision loss — even in young people. This condition, known as macular…

Acanthamoeba keratitis

Acanthamoeba keratitis is a relatively rare type of eye infection, but it can become quite serious. If left untreated, Acanthamoeba eventually leads to vision loss, requiring a corneal transplant to restore sight. Understanding how to prevent this infection is key. What Is Acanthamoeba Keratitis? Acanthamoeba is a type of microscopic, single-celled organism known as an…

Ocular rosacea

Ocular rosacea, an inflammation of the eye and/or eyelid, occurs in conjunction with rosacea of the skin. A chronic inflammatory condition, rosacea primarily affects the face, cheeks, forehead, and chest area. When rosacea affects the eyes and/or eyelids, the condition is known as ocular rosacea. Ocular Rosacea Symptoms Ocular rosacea primarily occurs in conjunction with…